Strictly speaking, without entering retreat, with a distracting mind one cannot practice dharma. Hence, during practice, one at least has to be solitary for one or two hours a day. Practicing dharma cannot be replaced by money. Doing life release or giving offering can help us accumulate merit, but mind training is not related to money.


Strictly speaking, without entering retreat, with a distracting mind one cannot practice dharma. Hence, during practice, one at least has to be solitary for one or two hours a day. Practicing dharma cannot be replaced by money. Doing life release or giving offering can help us accumulate merit, but mind training is not related to money.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

According to Buddhism, arising and cessation of all phenomena hinges on dependent arising, and are free from the power of any ghosts and gods. Our happiness and suffering are not related to any ghosts and gods, therefore we don’t need to worship them; rather, we need to worship compassion and wisdom.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

We are on the way to our tombs, but we’re bickering with each other on the way. We met in this life, yet not being able to stay for long, therefore we need to be understanding and caring. A compassionate and broad mind is our unchanging faith.


We are on the way to our tombs, but we’re bickering with each other on the way. We met in this life, yet not being able to stay for long, therefore we need to be understanding and caring. A compassionate and broad mind is our unchanging faith.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Everything has two sides, the extreme abundant material is the positive side. However, when everything is resolved with material objects, without sufficient spiritual training, one tends to become weaker and less enduring, failing to face up with competition and pressure of daily life. A body without skin cannot handle harsh weather such as wind, frost, rain and snow. This is negative effect of abundant material.

Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Practitioners need to go with the flow in society, do whatever others do, be it fashion or trends, but abstaining from emulating the un-virtuous acts of others. The Mahayana Buddhism is rather humanistic and open. Modern buddhists need to appear as a fashionable and trendy person, but with an inner self liken to practitioners of 2500 years ago; this is a perfect combination! Buddhists need to have a mundane body and supra-mundane mind.


Practitioners need to go with the flow in society, do whatever others do, be it fashion or trends, but abstaining from emulating the un-virtuous acts of others. The Mahayana Buddhism is rather humanistic and open. Modern buddhists need to appear as a fashionable and trendy person, but with an inner self liken to practitioners of 2500 years ago; this is a perfect combination! Buddhists need to have a mundane body and supra-mundane mind.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Happiness doesn’t stem from high speed and high pressure, rather, it comes from relaxation and freedom. Without developing an understanding of being content and having less desires, we can come to conclusion that the result is bound to be suffering.

Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series