When first joining Larung Gar, due to immaturity, we tended to be prideful when making progress in our study, H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche would regularly dismantle our ego by various means. Therefore, we dared not be conceited regardless how much progress we made. Our teachers were ruthless to a student with potential, seemingly scolding us daily. Because they were confident that the disciples would not get irritated and take off, thus he subdued us without holding back.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Before attaining buddhahood, Vajrasattva made an aspiration: I vow not to attain buddhahood if I cannot enable anyone to chant my name, and supplicate to me for confessing to purify their obscurations. Given Vajrasattva had attained buddhahood, if supplicating to Vajrasattva by chanting the Vajrasattva Mantra or the Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva, one is bound to purify all obscurations.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Bodhicitta is our eternal, ultimate insurance policy. In order to assure our safety in samsara, we need to have an insurance policy as such, which is not bought, rather it needs to be cultivated with compassion. One can only cultivate bodhicitta with loving kindness and compassion.


The world has its natural law, our subjective mind needs to be in accordance with the objective law. If refusing to accept and face with the natural law, then we’ll suffer. Hence observing the world with the right views and facing the world with the right mindset will enable us to be tougher.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

We are on the way to our tombs, but we’re bickering with each other on the way. We met in this life, yet not being able to stay for long, therefore we need to be understanding and caring. A compassionate and broad mind is our unchanging faith.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Before attaining buddhahood, Vajrasattva made an aspiration: I vow not to attain buddhahood if I cannot enable anyone to chant my name, and supplicate to me for confessing to purify their obscurations. Given Vajrasattva had attained buddhahood, if supplicating to Vajrasattva by chanting the Vajrasattva Mantra or the Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva, one is bound to purify all obscurations.


Bodhicitta is our eternal, ultimate insurance policy. In order to assure our safety in samsara, we need to have an insurance policy as such, which is not bought, rather it needs to be cultivated with compassion. One can only cultivate bodhicitta with loving kindness and compassion.

~Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

When first joining Larung Gar, due to immaturity, we tended to be prideful when making progress in our study, H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche would regularly dismantle our ego by various means. Therefore, we dared not be conceited regardless how much progress we made. Our teachers were ruthless to a student with potential, seemingly scolding us daily. Because they were confident that the disciples would not get irritated and take off, thus he subdued us without holding back.


Today the way we treat animals has reached to a rather cruel state, but everyone accepts it and sees it as natural. Such acts will come back to humans themselves. Eventually, humans will be divided into different three, six, nine or more castes. The underprivileged will be treated the similar way as animals are treated.