The Buddha said,”Impermanence is suffering.” Everything around us is constantly changing; Nothing stays reliable for long. The most favorite may leave us forever at any time. The most detested may suddenly come upon us. No one knows what the future has in store for each one of us, hence feeling anxious and distressed without end. 

~ Depicted from "The Four Seasonal Quotes from Khenpo"


The greatest discovery and achievement in the human history is not arts or science but to properly recognise our own ignorance and irrationality as well as the basic and the methods for solving these problems. Because only through such knowledge can we attain the ultimate freedom and happiness.

~ Inspirational Quote from Khenpo's blog

The principle elements of enlightenment are renunciation, bodhicitta and other preliminary practices.  Without these, we could never even imagine attaining enlightenment. After engaging in these fundamentals, however, we will become totally unobstructed and attain enlightenment naturally.

~ Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

Suffering comes from defilement, defilement from grasping and clinging to the self-existence of phenomena, grasping and clinging from ignorance. Ignorance, being the source of all suffering, can only be eradicated by wisdom and hence the necessity of gaining the wisdom of the Buddha.

~ Daily Inspiration

Mahayana Buddhists do not worship ghosts or spirits but revere those who are completely enlightened; do not seek supernatural power but pursue wisdom and compassion; do not aspire to go to heaven but to benefit others; do not forsake but transcend samsara.

~ Inspirational Quote from Khenpo's blog

Nowadays, many Western psychologists and meditators are fond of Buddhist breathing meditation. Breathing meditation is still a kind of thought, however applying this technique can help achieve the goal of meditation. In this case, we are using thoughts to help reduce thoughts, which is like fighting fire with fire.

~ Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series

The future is an unknown territory where anything can happen. All phenomena will change with the causes and conditions. As the causes and conditions are unpredictable and constantly changing, no one knows what courses they will take. However, if one can keep the moment of now in hand, one has the future in control as well.

The use of nectar pills is not emphasized in exoteric Buddhism, but very much so in Vajrayana. Most of the nectar pills were originally handed down by Guru Rinpoche and later discovered by real tertons, finders of terma (hidden treasures). It should be noted that not all nectar pills have beneficial effect. Some of the so-called nectar pills are not only devoid of any merit but can also bring harm if taken, such as preventing one from attaining liberation in future life and creating hindrances to liberation.

~ Depicted from THE RIGHT VIEW : Liberating Living Beings

Everything in the world is fleeting and impermanent. In samsara, all living beings are suffering. We have to see everything as non-self and understand that everything in the world is intrinsically empty in nature. There is nothing that can be depended upon and nothing is worth pursuing. This is the worldview of a Buddhist. Having deeply felt the suffering of all living beings in samsara brings two benefits to oneself and others, which are:

(1) a mind that focuses one-pointedly on pursuing liberation, and
(2) the generation of unconditional love towards all sentient beings in samsara.

~ Depicted from Luminous Wisdom Book Series