Translator's Note

AUTHOR: Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö
HITS( 10387)

This book is the translation of part of Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro’s lecture series Wisdom Light Vol. 10. In view of the two main topics, one on the three poisons, the other on death and rebirth, they seem unrelated. As lectures, they were given on different occasions but during the same time frame, so perhaps they were intended as paired teachings on living—how to deal with the three root kleshas in life, and on dying—how to view, face and transcend death.

A quote from Confucius ‘while not knowing life, how can one know about death?’ doesn’t say much about his view on death, but his focus was clearly on how to live. Whereas in Buddhism, how to live, to die and to come back to life again are equally
important; nothing is omitted. They constitute the cycle of life. 

There are many precious texts and reference books on the same subjects, but rarely do you find such detailed explanations presented in a condensed format like this book does. You’ll be surprised how handy these teachings are when you need to apply
them in real life situations. I hope you find the English edition easy to read and you derive benefit from reading it.

Finally, I would like to thank Lorraine Wu for her brilliant, tireless editing, Gar Thupten Norbu Rinpoche for clarification on Tibetan terminology, Thinley Chödrön for her dedicatio to bring the book to publication and the assistance of fellow dharma

Dekyi Drolma,

Hong Kong, June 2016