Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrö 2017 North America Visit —— Teaching Schedule

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Hawaii 夏威夷地區

07/21 19:00-21:00 The Three Goals of Buddhist Practice 佛教修行的三大目標 @ Kagyu Thegchen Ling

07/22 10:00-11:30 Wisdom: the Flip-side of Suffering, a guide for our times 智慧:痛苦的反面——當今時代的指南 @Honolulu Museum of Art

07/23 14:00-16:00 Emotions: Transforming Suffering into Happiness Every Day 情緒:每天都將痛苦轉化為喜悅 @ Kagyu Thegchen Ling

RSVP (報名方式)@ 808-595-8989 or visit

Los Angeles 洛杉磯地區

07/25 19:30-22:00 What is the origin of human suffering? 人類的痛苦來自於什麼?

07/26 19:30-22:00 The Truth about Ourselves 透視自我的真相

@Pacific Palms Resort Hotel RSVP (報名方式): eventbrite

07/27 18:00-21:00 Suffering is only a Paper Tiger @Nguoi Viet News Gallery

RSVP(報名方式)@ 949-923-0039 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bay Area 灣區

07/29 13:30-15:30 Teachings on Generation Stage I 生起次第的教授

07/30 10:00-12:00 Teachings on Generation Stage II 生起次第修法中觀修

07/30 14:00- 16:00 Teachings on Generation Stage III 智慧本尊之法門

@ Orgyen Dorje Den Needs empowerment 需要有灌頂

RSVP(報名方式): or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

07/31 19:00-21:00

Transcend Stresses and Negativities to Reach Full Innate Potential 對治壓力煩惱,開發本具潛能 @Stanford University

RSVP: eventbrite

08/01 19:00-21:30 change your mind, change the world @UC Berkeley

RSVP : eventbrite

08/02 19:00-21:00 生命與死亡中陰

08/03 19:00-21:00 非常特殊的修行人–中陰解脫者

@Union City Crown Plaza No need to RSVP 直接入場


08/05 10:00-12:00 Reincarnation: what happens during death and beyond? I

08/05 14:30-17:00 Reincarnation: what happens during death and beyond? II

08/06 10:00-12:00 Reincarnation: what happens during death and beyond? III

08/06 14:30-17:00 Reincarnation: what happens during death and beyond? IV

@ Ashland Springs Hotel


Seattle 西雅圖地區

08/09 19:00-21:00 Hit the road! Let’s leave samsara I 上路吧!走出輪迴(上)

08/10 19:00-21:00 Hit the road! Let’s leave sansara II 上路吧!走出輪迴(下)

@ Kirkland Performance center

RSVP at part 1 part 2 or contact 206-3104853 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.


08/12 9:30-16:30 Turning Happiness and Suffering Into Enlightenment I

08/13 9:30-16:30 Turning Happiness and Suffering Into Enlightenment II

@ Gar Drolma Buddhist Learning & Meditation Center


Washington D.C. Area 大華府地區

08/16 19:00-21:00 Pith Instruction: Longchen Nyingtig Ngondro 龍欽心髓前行精要 @ KPC Buddhist Temple

08/17 19:00-21:00 Are we living in a Virtual Reality? 我們的世界是真實不虛的嗎?@ Westin Tysons Corner

08/18 TBD Exceptional Living with The Four Cups @ TBD For more info, please call 703-273-5189

08/19 all day The Four Dharmas of Gampopa 岡波巴四法 @ Drikung Dharma Surya Center For more info, please call 703-273-5189

08/20 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00 Obtaining benefit through Buddhist practice in modern life 在現代生活中通過修行佛法利益身心 @U.S. Zen Institute

Organized by Pureland Dzogchen Buddhism Society ( To RSVP, please call or email: 857-363-0629, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New York 紐約地區

08/22 19:30-21:30 Discovering the Heart Sutra’s Surprising Truth I《心經》讓你發現驚人的真相(一)

08/23 19:30-21:30 Discovering the Heart Sutra’s Surprising Truth II《心經》讓你發現驚人的真相(二)

08/24 19:30-21:30 Dispelling Suffering with the Heart Sutra《心經》讓你沒有煩惱

@ 502 W 41st Street, New York, NY 10036


Please arrive 30 min before the lecture starts. 請於演講開始前半小時入場